Harnessing the Power of Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Pioneering Research to Change Your Life

Explore the fascinating influence of water through Dr. Masaru Emoto’s groundbreaking studies. Human thoughts and intention can influence water’s molecular structure, causing the formation of stunning ice crystals that reflect our energy.

Dr. Emoto’s work reveals that our thoughts and words directly impact water, showing its ability to store positive love or negative hate energy. By labeling water vials with positive or negative phrases, he proved that our words shape its crystal formation.

These experiments demonstrate how the energy of our thoughts, which leads to our words, has the power to change physical objects. Just as water holds memories and experiences, we too, are mirrors of our reality.

Considering that our bodies consist of 60% water, envision the profound transformation that could occur if we consciously shift our limiting beliefs and thoughts. By replacing them with empowering beliefs and positive thoughts, we can significantly alter how we perceive ourselves and the world we inhabit.

Join me, Lori Arveson, in utilizing PSYCH-K® to guide you in transforming your limiting beliefs and thoughts so you can create the life you desire. You have the power within ourselves to shape a brighter future through limitless positivity and intention.

If you’re ready for an exhilarating journey of self-discovery and transformation, let’s take the first step together. I’m inviting you to a complimentary 15-minute conversation with me designed to tap into your potential. Click here to secure your spot. It’s time to shape your future with intention and positivity.

Do You Live By Default or By Purpose?

You are as powerful as your level of awareness, understanding and knowledge of how to work with Universal laws and energy. Your only responsibility is to learn to understand them, to cultivate a deep relationship with them, to learn processes, and to practice them consistently to affect change. 

You truly have that power within you!

You are creating every moment of your life. Everything in this Universe is energy. We are this energy. Our thoughts, words, actions, intentions, and dreams transmit through this energy and generate a magnet of attraction for more of all that we are. Do you want more of what you are and have, or do you want something different??

Begin the practice of changing your energy by creating a new commentary about your life and learn how to use your imagination to create change. The Universe will magnetically respond to this new vibration.

The first step is to be aware of what you’re noticing. As you view your life and the changes you desire, are you able to step back and identify the unwanted thoughts, intentions, habits and patterns present in your life? We know our thoughts and words are powerful. Are you thinking and speaking positively about the circumstances in your life.  Or do you focus your attention on what’s wrong or negative? Do you feel gratitude for what is good in your life and the world, or are you always complaining?

Universal energy will magnetically return to you more of what you focus on. Change your focus and change your world!

If you’re looking to make a meaningful impact with your life and discover ways to live a joyful life, contact me today so we can discuss whether my services are the right fit for you. Schedule your free chat now.

Lori Describing Her Work for The Healers Library Interview

I was invited by Dr. Bradly Nelson, creator of the Emotion/Body Code, to interview for a position on their Practitioner’s Spotlight, and thought I’d share that interview here with you.

How did you find out about The Emotion Code and The Body Code? *

When training seriously for a half marathon, I was stricken with chronic pain in my left foot and devastated by the fact that I tried everything, but absolutely nothing was working to heal it. A friend told me about The Emotion/Body Code and I immediately found an Emotion/Body Code practitioner. Within 2 months of working with my practitioner I started training again for the half marathon, which I completed 2 months later, and haven’t had any foot pain since. I was so thrilled and amazed by it, that I did research to find out everything I could about The Emotion/Body Code and decided to become a practitioner myself.

How do you think these healing methods compare to other energy healing modalities? *

Combined with my experience as an intuitive healer, this is the ideal platform for me to use effectively with amazing results. The Emotion/Bode Code deals with underlying causes and things such as meridian imbalances, pathogens, generational offensive energies, trapped and inherited emotions, and many other conditions that aren’t addressed by systems like reiki, acupuncture, etc.

What advice would you give to those that are new to either The Emotion Code or The Body Code? *

Trust! During a session we may go in many different directions and it may seem like a tangent, but the outcome becomes apparent in the end. The proof is in the positive results we have time and time again.

What differences do you see between our healing methods and the westernized medical/drug industry? *

It’s hard to make a comparison. Westernized medicine and pharmaceutical drugs dominate the medical scene, but The Emotion/Body Code taps on energies not commonly reached by Western medicine. Combining the two healing methods gives us a more comprehensive effectiveness. I find that dealing with the energy body, and releasing imbalances and trapped energies imperative to reach beyond Western medicine and tackle many things that plague those around us.  The Emotion/Bode Code balances the body and enables it to heal itself naturally.

Do you have a healing story that you could tell us about? *

I have many stories to tell of beautiful healing experiences. I will share one  here that is kind of funny, but this type of thing happens all the time. I was working with a woman who had an issue with her left arm that no other type of healing helped. At the end of our session I had her stand up and walk around. She shrieked with shock and delight and told me that her back no longer hurt. Originally, she had not shared any problems with her back with me so I was a bit surprised. She then told me that she has had a problem with her back for over 20 years and has been to every type of doctor and healer, and no one could help. She never even thought to talk to me about it as she was so accustomed to the pain and didn’t even think about it. Apparently during our session we released something that put her back into alignment. That was a year ago, and the back pain is still gone. Oh, and her arm issue is resolved also.

If you could tell the world about Dr. Nelson’s methods in one sentence, what would it be? *

Over and over again, in all varieties of cases, it works!

How do you see this work impacting the future of health care? *

This is absolutely a health care for the future. Reaching into the energy layers and past trapped emotional landscape has amazing consequences and results. We must take responsibility for our own health care if we want to live quality lives, and this healing modality is wildly effective for reaching these energies.

To find out what is possible for youschedule a complimentary 15 minute consultation here or visit my website at www.LoriArveson.com or email me at LoriArveson@gmail.com.

Life Begins Here.

We all have a comfort zone. That place where everything is familiar and we always know what to expect. One day, we’re working towards a goal, making progress, and then suddenly we hit a wall. 


You’ve been there, right? Well, I have!! 

It feels like you’re stuck in place and no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to move forward. It’s easy to feel discouraged and lose motivation when this happens, yet you do have a choice in the matter. You can absolutely retreat into your comfortable place, or you can get help to move you forward.

Let’s first change perspective on the situation, because bumping up against your comfort zone is actually a good thing! It means you’re pushing yourself and taking risks. And if you want to achieve success, you need to be willing to do both of those things.

When you’re feeling unsure of yourself, it can be helpful to find someone, a mentor, who has already achieved what you’re striving for. They can provide guidance and advice on how to overcome the challenges you’re facing. It’s also important to find someone who shares your values and beliefs. That way, they can help keep you focused on your goals and remind you why they’re important to you. Or find a group of people with the same values and goals as you. Make it easy on yourself and seek the support that feels right for you. Success is much sweeter when you have others on your path with you.

Someone once said –Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.


If you’re looking to make a meaningful impact with your life and discover ways to live a joyful life, contact me today so we can discuss whether my services are the right fit for you. Schedule your free chat now.

Can You Identify Yours?

Beliefs significantly influence our mindset and ultimately shape our behavior, our failures and successes. If you’re like most people, you probably have some limiting beliefs that are holding you back from achieving success in life. Whether it’s a belief that you’re not good enough, not smart enough, or talented enough, these negative beliefs can prevent you from achieving your dreams and reaching your full potential.

Our beliefs are SO influential that if we believe that achieving financial freedom is beyond our reach, our subconscious mind will create roadblocks to make sure financial freedom is beyond our reach. Our subconscious does this to protect us and keep us in line with what we believe. However, by changing our beliefs to support abundance and security, this will also be realized! Let’s make it work for us instead of against us, right?

The following are some basic examples of limiting beliefs and their potential outcomes (see if you recognize some of these for yourself)

  • Success is difficult and unachievable – This can lead us to avoid or find excuses not to make the effort and hard work needed for our success.
  • Other people are better than me – This causes us to struggle with self-confidence and self-esteem. We compare ourselves to others and cannot move forward confidently in the world.
  • My opinion doesn’t matter – Not being able to express our creativity and ideas with confidence creates doubt and frustration, which can be paralyzing.
  • Time is running out – This makes us feel like something needs to happen quickly. We can rush into hasty decisions, which cause stress and anxiety with potentially negative outcomes. 

Having the right set of beliefs is vital if one wishes to gain any form of peace, happiness and prosperity. Without these essential elements in place, ambition alone most likely will never be enough for long-term success nor satisfaction with life overall. 
If you’re looking to make a meaningful impact with your life and discover ways to live a joyful life, contact me today so we can discuss whether my services are the right fit for you. Schedule your free chat now. This could be your key that unlocks lasting peace and harmony for you.

When is Anxious too Anxious?

From time to time we ALL feel anxious about something. It could be fear of heights, first day at a new job, the dentist, or speaking to a group in public. Some of that anxiety helps us to keep focused and learn how to confront our fears. However, when this anxiety interferes with work, keeps us awake at night, or avoiding certain situations and not enjoying life, we are dealing with something else entirely.

Phobic symptoms can be debilitating and sometimes occur merely by thinking about it.

These include:

Dizziness, trembling and increased heart rate
A sense of unreality
Fear of dying
Preoccupation with the fear object

No one should have to endure the anxiety and possible terror that these fears and phobias cause.

Association is a key characteristic of fears and phobias and is the element that needs to be broken in order to overcome them. Hypnosis along with Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a perfect way to reprogram the subconscious and overcome fears and phobias, gaining confidence and healthy behavioral patterns.

If you want to live a life without limits and overcome your fears, anxieties and phobias, and find out what’s possible for you, Let’s chat and find out if what I do works for you. Schedule: Let’s chat here or email me at LoriArveson@gmail.com.