Our Partner In Success, The Subconscious Mind

Our subconscious minds are magnificent and powerful and have a lot more to do with the outcome of our lives than we may know. 

The vast subconscious mind is responsible for interpreting and acting upon the predominating thoughts given to it by the conscious mind, and takes it’s job very seriously. It’s goal is to attract circumstances and situations to match the images that our conscious mind gives to it.

It doesn’t evaluate whether the thought is positive or negative, it just brings us more of what we are thinking about. We all have habitual thoughts and beliefs formulated from our perceptions of the life we have lived thus far, and these thoughts and beliefs shape and dictate the subconscious mind.

Once we realize that we live in a sea of vibrating energy that responds to how and what we think, we can begin designing our lives with clarity and purpose. To help do that, we use the process of visualization.

Change your perspective

Visualizing is an easy process of creating images in your mind of how you want your life to be. Practice seeing the life you want as if you are living it now, visualize it clearly and feel as if it is happening to you now.

By practicing this technique 5 minutes a day, we begin to train our subconscious  and it reflects back our current reality – real or not. The key to success is repetition and regularity in this practice. Remember, you attract what you focus on.

My name is Lori Arveson and I use the Emotion Code / Body Code and Energy Healing to
release trapped and tangled energies that affect our emotional, physical, and spiritual well being.

To find out what is possible for youschedule a complimentary 15 minute consultation here, visit my website at www.ExpertPainHealing.com or email me at LoriArveson@gmail.com.

The Impact of Negative Entities on our Aura

Have you ever felt some kind of negativity, felt ‘low’ or thought you heard someone or something? All of these feelings and emotions may point towards a negative presence or entity.

Experts in this realm tell us that negative entities, vibrations, spirit intrusions, psychic interventions and energy disruptions affect our lives physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. These are negative energy spirit beings without a physical body stuck in the energy world.

They look for material gratification and penetrate into the aura of people who resonate with their lower frequency, feeding like parasites on our vital force and positive energy, promoting negative thoughts, prolonged depression, mental illness, low self-esteem, fear and anxiety, loneliness, confusion, obsessive-compulsive, insomnia, perfectionism, loss of energy and prolonged fatigue, among other things.

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Our modern lifestyle of stress, anger, depression and lack of consistent spiritual practice causes fluctuations in our energy vibration which allows them to enter. There are multiple reasons why these entities target us, such as feelings of anger, hate, jealousy or revenge, being under the influence of drugs and alcohol, sex, cigarettes, and gambling, we lower our guard and create holes in our aura. The number and size may vary at any given time and they can stay in a person’s aura for years or possibly a whole lifetime.

Unfortunately, negative entities exist in the auras of most people, even those who are completely at peace with themselves, have a consistent spiritual practice and minimal amount of stress, though they may be dormant or less active than those in other

The good news is that these negative entities can be removed by a professional healer or energy worker trained in how to take you to the deepest recesses of your subconscious mind to detox and remove the underlying causes and entities.

My name is Lori Arveson and I use the Emotion Code / Body Code and Energy Healing to release trapped and tangled energies that affect our emotional, physical, and spiritual well being.

To find out what is possible for youschedule a complimentary 15 minute consultation here, visit my website at www.ExpertPainHealing.com or email me at LoriArveson@gmail.com.



Spontaneous Healing

There’s an innate intelligence, subconscious mind, or spiritual nature that’s far greater than any pill, therapy, or treatment, and it’s waiting for our permission to willfully act and be integrated into our lives. 

Our body is made of 70 to 100 trillion cells, and at this moment, approximately 100,000 chemical reactions are taking place in every one of our cells.  Miraculously, all of this happens automatically without us thinking about it. Now who do we think is running the show?

The energy of every thought produces a biochemical reaction in the brain and corresponds with feelings and emotions. The body in turn responds to the nature of that feeling, whether positive or negative. If we continually think the same thoughts, our bodies become more and more physically modified by our thoughts. This affects our health and, ultimately, our quality of life.

So, what is mind over matter?  We can learn new ways of thinking and reacting  that help us consciously reinvent ourselves, changing and letting go of old habits and thoughts, and growing through transformation and the power of directed thought. 

Some of us have a lifetime of old habits, as these patterns of energy in the body follow a set pathway and become deeply ingrained. The mind-over-matter approach to transformation might require great effort and discipline to overcome those old habits and patterns.

I use Emotion Code/Body Code with my clients to disrupt and remove emotional energy pathways which cause imbalance. In that balanced state the client is able to process and develop new and healthier thought patterns.

emotions are energy

My name is Lori Arveson and I use the Emotion Code / Body Code and Energy Healing to release trapped and tangled energies that affect our emotional, physical, and spiritual well being.

To find out what is possible for youschedule a complimentary 15 minute consultation here or visit my website at www.ExpertPainHealing.com or email me at LoriArveson@gmail.com.





Have you noticed there are people in the world who seem to have no limits to the things they can accomplish? If the direction of your life isn’t going smoothly and steadily where you want it to go, chances are there’s some self-sabotage going on.

For many, underneath the excuses, some are in fear of failing, changing, of the unknown and uncertainty, ridicule.

Here are some thoughts to ponder

Most importantly we have to know what it is we want. Not just happiness or success, but specifically what you want to do in the future.

Be open and flexible in how you journey towards that goal. Continue to work toward your goals, but be flexible in how you get there.

Have the courage to live a life true-to-yourself and don’t get caught up in the ‘shoulds. Live your truth with conviction and confidence; believe and be guided by truth.

Commit! Visualize clearly with all your intentions, wholeheartedly.

If needed, start over. We may fail at first. Trust in the universal process and recognize the lessons brought forth from that experience. Stay centered, strong and self assured.

lotus-flower (2) I am the Master of my well being - Lori

My name is Lori Arveson and I use the Emotion Code / Body Code and Energy Healing to release trapped and tangled energies that affect our emotional, physical, and spiritual well being.

To find out what is possible for youschedule a complimentary 15 minute consultation here or visit my website at www.ExpertPainHealing.com or email me at LoriArveson@gmail.com.


Change Of Season

Change is always with us and the change of seasons is certainly in the air right now. Each season brings us a great deal of wisdom for the spiritual journey, and autumn brings us to an even deeper awareness that we live in a continual circle of dying and rising.

The changing colors of leaves fade as chlorophyll is gradually blocked. As this occurs, we may feel called to release and surrender what no longer serves us, what gets in the way of our being present to the holiness of each moment.

I invite you to take time every day and be absolutely present in the world by taking a quiet walk in the park, on your street, or just anywhere in nature.

Some questions that you may contemplate on your walk:

How do I walk in this world?  How do I want to walk in this world?

Does the way you walk and move through life reflect your most authentic self? If not, how might this season guide you through that process of discovery?

Listen for the wisdom that this season offers in your life.

My name is Lori Arveson and I use the Emotion Code / Body Code and Energy Healing to release trapped and tangled energies that affect our emotional, physical, and spiritual well being.

To find out what is possible for youschedule a complimentary 15 minute consultation here or visit my website at www.ExpertPainHealing.com or email me at LoriArveson@gmail.com.

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